What are my options?
An unplanned pregnancy can bring a lot of questions. Every woman and their circumstances are different. It is important that you take time to process your feelings and get informed on all of your options. While a pregnancy choice is never easy we do believe you can make a strong choice when you have a support system and are equipped with all the facts.
No decision is an easy one when it comes to handling your unplanned pregnancy, but knowledge is power.
Get empowered with facts before you make any choices regarding your pregnancy, body, and long term well-being.
Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.
The type of procedure depends on how many weeks into the pregnancy you are. It is important that you are fully informed about the procedures as well as fetal development before you make a choice.
The following sites will help you better understand the procedures.
Questions you should ask yourself
What were my feelings about abortion before I was pregnant?
Am I feeling afraid or overwhelmed?
Is someone encouraging me or forcing me to have an abortion?
If I remove everyone else’s option, how do I feel about this?
Adoption is the action or fact of legally taking another’s child and bringing it up as one’s own, or the fact of being adopted.
Adoption has changed so much over the years, giving more control to the biological mother. 50,000 women every year chose to carry their pregnancy to term and make a plan of adoption for their child. There are several types of adoption and as the biological mother you make the adoption plan that works for you. Private adoptions as well as adoptions using an agency can be done at no expense to the biological mother.
The following site will help you better understand adoption options:
Questions you should ask yourself
What were my feelings about adoption before I was pregnant?
Could I pick a family to give my child everything I do not feel I can provide at this time?
What level of contact do I want to have with my child?
If I remove everyone else’s option, how do I feel about this?
Parenting is the activity of bringing up a child as a parent
Choosing to be a parent to your child is a lifelong commitment with rewards and struggles. Children do not come with instruction manuals but there are resources to support women in raising strong families. Bright Alternatives has a wide variety of educational resources starting with the first trimester of pregnancy all the way through parenting preschoolers.
To learn more about our educational and support program click here
Questions you should ask yourself
What were my feelings about being a parent before I was pregnant?
What support do I need to help me parent my child?
If I remove everyone else’s option, how do I feel about this?