What if I am Pregnant and Still in School?
What if I am Pregnant and Still in School?
This may be a question that you are asking yourself. An unexpected pregnancy is never easy especially for a student. Studies show that 3 in 10 young women will become pregnant at least once before the age of 18. Sadly enough only about 40% of these young ladies go on to complete school.
Can I still go to school? YES!
Typically pregnancy does not hinder a young woman from attending school and earning a diploma. Public schools can not legally expel or deny access to education to any student because of pregnancy. Unless you have strict doctor’s orders to not physically attend traditional school there is no other reason you can not. Talk to your student advisor or counselor if special arrangements need to be made. They are there to help you, as is the school nurse.
Will I be one of those 60% that do not complete school?
No, this is your choice!
In the 21st Century there are very few reasons that would prevent you from receiving your diploma while pregnant or parenting. You are the number one deciding factor as to whether or not you graduate. If you want to finish school there is always a way.
Would there be a reason I could no longer attend school? YES!
It is true that some girls cannot finish school the traditional way by going to a school building and attending classes, due to complications, doctor ordered bed rest or other issues, but there are other options. Many public schools now offer Cyber School, which gives students who are unable to physically attend school the opportunity to earn their diploma through completion of online classes.
Can I go back and get my diploma if I have already dropped out?YES!
If you have been out of school and are unable to return due to your age, GEDs are every bit as valuable to continuing your education. Do not discredit or dismiss the thought of earning a GED because it is not a “real diploma”. It is worth it!
Education is so important. Without a diploma it is very hard to find a good paying job. Although it is difficult to finish school while pregnant or parenting it is most definitely something that can be done, and it will be worth it in the end. Your local Pregnancy Care Center can give you referrals to agencies in your community that can help you get child care while you are in school if you chose to parent. If you chose adoption there are also many agencies that can give you support through your pregnancy and continued support after.